With the girls so small we’ve decided to sell the wakeboard boat, which holds mixed feelings for all of us. It’s getting older, as are we, so it’s just not getting used like it should be anymore. It takes extra hands to manage the kids while we ride and those opportunities aren’t frequent enough, so we’ll be enjoying the paddle boards, kayak, and sailboat, this summer instead. In a few years we’d like to get another boat to encourage the girls to enjoy water sports like we do.
We put it in the water one last time and took it for a quick spin around the lake. Weather wasn’t awesome, but we caught a few rays between the overcast skies and took a few photos! Goodbye Boat.

Here is a picture we took just prior to hitting the dock. Ry had to pee, and this is the best method we’ve established. Hold the legs up, lean back and go, reduces clean up and guarantees pee free clothes.