We’ve been laying pretty low, and while the weather was beautiful with a cloudless sky and gentle ocean breeze we decided to head towards town for a specialty coffee and a “crumpet” as Josh would say. It’s about 3km each way with the playground about halfway there. Though it was a struggle to contain the toddler we managed to hit it up on the return trip otherwise town would not have happened.
Later that afternoon we did some more beach poking, and I’m pretty confident only Ry-dialogue could accurately capture the experience….
As she was flipping every rock on the beach, ones as large as she could possibly overturn:
“Hello under there, anybody home?…. Oh, hiiiiiiii, awwwww… Look daddy, it’s a cute little (enter random sea creature here)… Awww buggie, you’re so cute and spicy!”
Yup, that’s about how it went, and once again she would have stayed till the sun went down, and we only made it about 20 feet. Fun times with our little beach baby. Rocks or sand, she doesn’t care- this is her happy place!
Beach Day
Ahhh, a beach day; a Sandy lake beach day. Since every time we try to drive to a new beach we end up stopping at a park instead, this vacation has seemed to be like another episode of “le park tour”- the title of last years journey to visit as many parks on the road trip to California as possible.
Today, we hopped in the car on the way to Elk Lake, where the water is warm, and there’s a sandy beach. But wouldn’t you know it, there’s also a playground by the parking lot, impossible to avoid, which, of course, we just had to try out before stepping foot on the beach.
And while I walked the scenic forested pathway part way around the lake to nap Z, Josh and Ry made sand castles with some other kids.
Then it was time for a shady picnic lunch beside a blackberry bush (some ripe to eat)- just long enough to nibble her bunwich, before heading back to the park!
Scenic drive
Every time we come to the island we take time to drive the scenic road down past Cordova Bay, near the university, along Beach drive, past Oak Bay, and around the point towards Beacon Hill Park, and ending in downtown Victoria. This trip was no different, as a good winding road is perfect for a well timed baby nap (otherwise it’s a scream fest).
On the way back we took the same road, only we stopped at the shops in Oak Bay Village (for a coffee and treat on the sunny outdoor patio, and took short stroll to stretch the legs, while stopping for a squeaky mouse for Z and some pink sparkly fairy wings for our other princess at the kids store Abra Kidabra).
Ice Cream, Yachts, Swims
After being in the car all morning the previous day we did the divide and conquer style to get into town… Meaning mom got a fresh and sunny beachside run, alone in peace…. Dad got to push his ladies in the stroller- one slept, the other snacked, but if not, she walked- making for a pretty peaceful journey in itself.
We planned a rendezvous at the pier for mid morning ice cream, while yacht gawking at the catamarans with envy and yearning.
On the way back to the condo we stopped at Ry’s favourite playground so she could master the climbing wall up to the curly slide over, and over, and over.
After big naps we headed to the Panorama recreation centre for their warm and perfectly toasty swimming pool. It was Z’s first time, and judging by her “star back” (Ry’s name for back float) tolerance, she is a natural water baby- happy and content just lying in my arms. Both girls enjoyed the lazy river!
For dinner we ordered take out (fish tacos and “noodles”) from Haro’s in town- which was delicious- while Z napped off her evening swim. One day we’ll be able to dine-in again without being on the nap clock and that will be really nice!
Lavender farm and town
It was our last full day on the island and neither of us really wanted to drive too far, otherwise poking in downtown Victoria might have been our choice. We headed to the Lavender farm instead, which boasted some amazing and beautiful rescue birds from Asia, along with goats and ducks, in addition to lavender plants and other delicious smelling products.
The owner was very friendly and chatted with us, explaining all sorts of information on his farm and the birds.
We also found a little baby bunny near the fields, who had been injured and the nice man picked him up like a pro in hopes of caring for him and nurse him back to health.
Just In Time for morning nap two, we walked the streets of Sidney. I’d like to say we poked in the shops, but in reality, we only did a quick drive by and stop in at the bakery for sticky buns before proceeding along the pier.
Finally got out on the paddle board, just one evening left!