Christmas 2015

White Christmas in YYC

Christmas season could very well be a blog of its own. We celebrated three times this year, with Xmas Eve at my mom’s, christmas morning at our own house for the first time (with dinner again at my mom’s with her family), and Boxing day was “Christmas” at Josh’s family’s house (where miss Rylie and her cousin were double trouble). We spent the week before New Year’s up at the lake, recovering from the holiday craziness, where we had good intentions of potty training, but instead of merely hanging out and relaxing, we did some good quality visiting with some close friends instead. We maybe did a few things around the house, and basically procrastinated on others.

Jocelyn's family
Jocelyn’s family
Decorating the tree, or maybe its redecorating the tree.
Decorating the tree, or maybe its redecorating the tree.
Ry figuring out this present thing.
Ry figuring out this present thing.
Our Christmas forest.
Our Christmas forest.
Dad and Ry, Christmas morning
Dad and Ry, Christmas morning
Josh's family
Josh’s family
Santa came, and concurred.
Santa came it appears.
Grandma and Ry reading her new books
Grandma and Ry reading her new books
Grandpa helping Ry, or Ry helping grandpa.
Grandpa helping Ry, or Ry helping grandpa.
Grandpa with two princesses. Those dresses will haunt our memories forever.
Grandpa with two princesses. Those dresses will haunt our memories forever.
White Christmas in YYC
White Christmas in YYC

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