Plane Day:
Our little youngster has been looking forward to this plane ride to Victoria for weeks, repeatedly telling everyone she was leaving “tomorrow”. When the day finally came, she was pretty excited, and she explained to us the take off procedure, complete with the plane wheels going up, followed most importantly by her being offered snacks and drinks. Though, when the reality of the day came along, she was great right up until we went to board the plane with all our extra baby accessories- then she refused to get on.
“It’s too windy” she exclaimed while approaching the door to the aircraft. She screached to a halt and refused to go any further, leaving us with no choice but to abandon the stroller and some bags at the doorway so dad could carry her to the seat. He then returned against the grain of everyone getting onboard to retrieve our things, because as luck would have it, the baby fell asleep nursing just before pre-boarding, rendering me and my arms completely useless.
Miss Ry had her first plane ride at three months as well, and we recall it went pretty smooth, the full 5 hours to Hawaii…. no one expected any different from Miss Z, as this was a mere 1 hour flight to Victoria. But, upon being settled into our seats, she shortly woke from her cat nap, and complained most of the flight, especially on take off and landing. I would guess maybe her ears bothered her, as nursing seemed to relieve some feisty activity.
Once again, she fell asleep just as we were going to get off the plane- you guessed it- nursing. We were able to get her loosely to the carseat up on the stroller for a bit more z’s, until mom decided that walking to grandma and grandpa’s house was a good idea to let her sleep longer. What should have been a lovely walk, ended up being a rough off road session to get from parking lot to sidewalk, a maze of overpasses, some hot sun, and a hangry mama. Then, guess who woke up. Yup. 10 minutes in. Sigh.
Grandma greeted the girls with all things princess, a crown and wand. Ry has been wearing it non stop with the exception of naps. Its cute, she likes it so no harm done.
Beacon Hill Park & Sea Otter Lunch
First day on the island we packed 4 adults, 2 carseat toting kids, and a dog into a little mazda van and drove into Victoria from Sidney. It was SO full, we had to dismantle the stroller completely to its frame. We stopped first at Beacon Hill park, did a nice walk through the trees and flowers until someone spotted a playground. We played for a long while, until we had to convince Ry to move on to something else. She gave up the petting zoo in favour of watching the ducks in the pond and munching snacks. For lunch we hit up the pier for some Sea Otter feeding and some famous fish and chips. After nap we did some beach walking, and miss Ry could spend hours with her gramma “poking for critters”.
Ice Cream, Beach Park
With the toddler adapting nicely to the time change and the baby not doing the same, our nap schedules are still pretty wacky. I now recall why I didn’t enjoy our trip to Hawaii with Ry at 3 months as much as I could have, as baby sleep has now become much more of a chore to come by.
This morning we packed back into the van (sans stroller) to head to the ice cream shop, before stopping at a beach to hang out. When the playground preceded the beach, that’s where we ended up stopping for a play in the cool breathtaking breeze. The Zo-ster was all off her nap wagon again (the windy park woke her up) and screamed pretty much all the way back home, despite us attempting to stop and recover. It wasn’t pretty. She then fell into a post crying deep heaving slumber as soon as we walked through the door. Figures.
Walk towards town & Park
It’s been a challenge in the last few days to have even a shower alone as the littlest troublemaker is quite needy to say the least. So, with help from dad and his killer double stroller skills, mom took off for a much needed solo morning run, while the rest of the gang walked to the park to play. We met there before making the nice beach side walk home. We stuck close to home for the rest of the morning, after learning a valuable lesson in being too busy, and spending “too long” in the car yesterday. Ry got her beach poking fix with Grandma & Grandpa, while Z got her snooze.