After days of work and hours of waiting here is the video you’ve all been waiting for… a semi complete video compilation of our 5 day, 4200km drive from Calgary, Canada to Bucerias (Puerto Vallarta), Mexico sans the last 10 seconds as our computer failed after 11 hours of video compression. (I’m currently efferting to re-compress the entire video and republish but until that happens please enjoy this slightly shorter version).
Originally 50 minutes in length, its now been edited, chopped down & placed in sonic boom to reduce the video length to 7 minutes 36 seconds complete with a little musical interlude. Please forgive my cinematographer/co-pilots shaky hands, she misrepresented herself on her resume as a professional – unfortunately we were already on the road when I discovered she was a fraud.
Finally no video or book is complete without a quick, witty quote from someone who may or may not have seen or read the piece they’re about to discuss.
“This video is a deeply compelling and compassionate tale of Josh & Jocelyn as they make there way through Canada, the United States, and Mexico in a quest for personal growth and catharsis (thats a big one you might have to look it up) – fires on all four turbo charged cylinders” – some writer from the New York Post.