Our final Thursday we went back to the zoo safari park for one last shot at milking our membership for what its worth. But, we have no photos from the day as bad blogger mom forgot the camera card on the bedside “table”. So sorry folks.
We saw the usual… the safari tram, the elephants, the flamingo’s, the mini hippo, the petting goats, and the only real new exciting thing we saw was the gorillas, and it was their baby’s 1st birthday which was cute to see all the decorations and flare happening for her big day. Ry could care less though, as she was excited about a couple of little girls her age (also not liking the gorillas) who she joined climbing the benches in the viewing area repetitively.
Friday lately have been dad and Ry go to play gym day (while mom goes to spin class). This class was a groupon that we bought for the month; we got both our bucks worth and her funs worth out of that one.

The weekend was super hot at over 30 degrees for all you Canadian folk, and in the mid 80’s for you American folk. So, we alternated our time between packing and cleaning with the pool or the beach. We checked off another box on the to do list and ate at Bucaneer’s for breakfast with some new friends from Louisiana, which was delicious, with great vibes and even better views of the ocean, despite being a pickup window sandwiched between two public washrooms. We enjoyed yummy food, and lived to tell about it.
The beach was pretty crowded this weekend, and we were glad to have the masses clear out come Monday. Josh had decided to finally get out the surfboard this weekend, for two last hurrah’s.. we’ve been so busy being touristy (and the waves honestly haven’t been great), so it wasn’t on the forefront of anyone’s mind until now.
Rylie also experienced her first Lady Bug. Well the first one she took the time to watch and not attempt to murder. She allowed it crawl up and down her forearm, but not past her elbow. The upper arm was off limits. Josh also rounded up a fuzzy caterpillar, but she wasn’t all that interested.